Free ringtonesMost free ringtones available on the internet are illegal, subject to copyright restrictions or crap (sounds awful). You can get free ringtones to your phone if you compose your own ringtones on your pc and transfer the ringtones to your phone. If you have a phone with a built in ringtone composer you can also compose your own free ringtones. In most of the cases you also need software and cables to transfer the "free ringtones" to your phone. These things aren´t free so actually there are no such thing as free ringtones!Free MIDI ringtonesIf you compose your own MIDI tones or find free MIDI ringtones on the internet you can download them to your phone using a cable or infrared connection. You also need the right software for sending the ringtones to the phone. Nokia and other mobile phone brands often have their own phone manager programs and some of them include multimedia convertors and other prorams to manage ringtones and graphics. There are also many third party softwares. With these softwares you can change the format of the ringtone, from MP3 to midi, midi to RTTTL, wav to midi etc. Note that MIDI is a much lower quality sound format than MP3 or WAV. A format change from mp3 or wav to midi degrades the recording appreciably.Free MP3 ringtonesThe internet is full of free MP3 songs and tunes. Many people say that there is no "good" way to convert MP3 music to ringtones. MIDI is a much lower quality sound format than MP3 or WAV. A format change from mp3 or wav to midi is going to degrade the recording appreciably. There are however numerous "midi converters", "mp3 converters" or "wav converters" available. Use Google to find them!
RTTTL ringtonesRTTTL stands for Ring Tone Text Transfer Language and it is a format for coding the notes of a ringtone in a universal format. With a special ringtone convertor program like Nokring or LogoManager RTTTL ringtones can be converted to other ringtone formats and uploaded to your phone via datacable or a infrared connection. If you have a phone with a built-in ringtone composer you can use a ringtone convertor software to transfer RTTTL ringtones to key press format. It´s quite simple - just enter the key press sequence given to you by the ringtone converter software on your phone.
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